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Holy Trinity Nursery School, Lisburn
Application For September 2025 Now Open!!!
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The Nursery curriculum is based on the guidelines issued by the Department of Education which addresses the following areas;

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Language Development
  • Physical Development and Movement
  • The Arts
  • Early Mathematical Experiences
  • The World around Us

The Nursery Curriculum utilises and builds upon the learning that has taken place in the home and it's immediate environment.  All children should have the opportunity to follow a curriculum that allows them to progress at their own rate.  The range of learning opportunities that the pre-school child experiences in the Nursery takes account of the statutory curriculum for children on entry to compulsory education.  In planning for a quality curriculum the following range of interests and experiences are taken into account,

Young children are interested in themselves,

Their environment

They are curious

Like to explore, investigate and create

Have a sense of wonder and amazement

Like to establish good relationships with adults and peers

Enjoy communicating

Enjoy stories, rhymes and music

Enjoy physical play

The Nursery curriculum meets children’s physical, social and emotional needs.  It challenges and stimulates children and is broad and balanced to allow them to act independently and to make choices.  Children are given opportunities to work alone or in groups, to develop concentration and a variety of skills and competencies.  In Holy Trinity Nursery we also nurture the spiritual development of the children.  We have a Sacred Space as you enter the school and we would encourage parents to take a few minutes to talk to their children about the theme in this area each month.